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Velvet Shadows Page 3
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Page 3
“What kept you watching at the party?”
Heat radiated out from her pussy and pressing her thighs together only intensified the ache. “At first I was shocked to find them there.”
“At first?” He coaxed. “Then what?”
“I thought they were beautiful. Selena is the personification of a Barbie doll and the man was…”
“Was it just their physical perfection? Or was it something more?”
He seemed to know the answers, but hearing her admit her thoughts and feelings was somehow giving him pleasure. “They were so carried away in what they were doing that nothing else mattered. They didn’t care if they were seen. They didn’t care what anyone thought. I couldn’t imagine…or maybe I was trying to imagine.”
“Have you ever been tied up?” he asked with a smile.
She laughed. The idea of Elliot ever being adventurous was ridiculous. “No. Have you?”
“Yes.” The smoldering heat in his gaze convinced her he was serious. “Have you ever wanted to be?”
She was definitely uncomfortable now. Velvet had suppressed her sexuality for so long she’d nearly forgotten what it felt like. Elliot expected her to be docile and cooperative. Intimacy had never been a priority in his life. There had been a time, long ago, when she’d allowed herself to imagine what it would be like to indulge her passion until she could hardly walk. But that had been long before she’d found out what sex was really like.
Trevor’s throaty chuckle drew her attention back to the present. “I can’t picture you with Elliot. He’s uptight and boring and you’re…beautiful and exciting.”
“I’m not going to sleep with you,” she said again, her voice unsteady. She was no longer sure who she was trying to convince.
“I don’t want to sleep with you. I just want to touch you.”
A nervous little laugh escaped her. “Like you did the other night? I can’t believe I let you do that.”
“I want to do what we both wanted the other night. You let me touch you. What I really wanted was taste.”
Shaken by the erotic promise in his gaze, she reached for her purse. “I don’t think so.”
His hand covered hers. “I bet I can guess your most common sexual fantasy. If I describe it correctly, you have to be honest enough to admit that I’m right.”
“And if you’re wrong?” she challenged.
“Oh, admitting that I’m right isn’t the bet. If I’m right you offer me dessert.”
“Just…dessert? Just the tasting part?” Her heart lurched into her throat and her abdomen tightened. “And if you’re wrong?”
“That’s up to you. What do you want from me?”
“Nothing,” she said with a taunting smile.
“Okay. If I’m wrong we end the evening and go our separate ways, but if I’m right, you let me touch you with my hands and my mouth anywhere I want, for as long as I want.”
Time paused. They stared at each other silently and the rest of the room fell away. Her blood pounded through her veins and her heart beat painfully. She needed to break the tension, to disrupt the current effortlessly sweeping her along. “Here, in the restaurant?”
“No, in the back seat of my car.”
For a split second she imagined what it would be like to put herself in his hands, literally. Then she wondered what he would do if she just snatched up her purse and left. The game seemed harmless enough. All she really had to do was reject whatever he described. “What makes you think you know me so well?”
“I don’t need to know you. I know Elliot.”
The confidence in his tone made anger tumble through Velvet. “Fine. What is my most common fantasy?”
“The setting isn’t really important. Your lover could be a pirate or a cop or a sultan, but he would know exactly what he wanted from you and how to get it ‑‑ whether you were ready to admit you wanted him or not.”
He paused for a moment as if to allow her mind to create the scene. Velvet stared into his brilliant hazel eyes and felt her entire body flush. Her imagination fell in sync with his captivating voice.
“Let’s use trusty Captain Jack. He’s given up his share of the booty to claim you as his prize. It’s his whole crew or him. You really have no choice. He doesn’t want to hurt you, so he ties you to his bed. You’re frightened, but deep inside you want to be overwhelmed. You want him to sense the need beyond your apprehension. You want him to abandon himself completely to his lust for you.”
Directed by his softly spoken narrative, the image in her mind became more detailed, more vivid. She was bound hand and foot to a bed and the man arching over her naked body had burning hazel eyes. She could feel his hands move across her flesh. Her breasts swelled, her nipples tightened and her pussy clenched hungrily. Damn him! She licked her lips and expelled a shuddering breath.
“He’d touch you in places you’ve never been touched. He’d slip his fingers inside you. First two, then three. And he’d feast on your quivering body, watching your face as you come. You’d feel things you’d never imagined. You’d surrender unconditionally, but only if you knew you could trust him.”
She allowed the unsettling image to fade. Sensations echoed, leaving her empty and wanting. “That’s every woman’s fantasy. It has nothing to do with me.”
“That’s not true. Some women can only enjoy passion when they’re in control. Some would rather be the teacher. Some aren’t satisfied with surrendering control; they want to be dominated. That’s not what you want.” He tossed his napkin onto the tabletop and leaned toward her again, his voice dropping to just above a whisper. “You longed for Elliot to be aggressive. You wanted him to shock you with the intensity of his desire, but he was gentle and composed. You needed him to want you so badly that he’d fuck you against the pool house wall regardless of who might be watching. But it was never like that, was it? I bet he never even broke a sweat while he made love to you. Did he ever make you come? Did he even vary from the missionary position?”
“I’ve lost interest in the topic!” She grabbed her purse and walked from the restaurant as quickly as she could without making a scene. Her heart pounded and her stomach knotted. He couldn’t know how accurately he’d described the last eleven years. He couldn’t know!
Tears blinded her; still, she managed to find her car. Her hand shook and her keys slipped from her awkward grasp.
Trevor caught them before they hit the pavement. She watched his dexterous movements in her peripheral vision. His hand closed around the keys and then his arm closed around her waist. She could feel his body heat against her back. He brushed her hair away from the nape of her neck and pressed his open mouth against her sensitive skin. The slow, wet stroke of his tongue dragged a gasp from Velvet. Her body refused to remember that she had no intention of sleeping with him.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured against her damp skin. “I’m an asshole. I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
His deep, hypnotic voice washed over her and, despite her determination to resist him, Velvet felt the tension melt from her body. “You got your interview. It’s late.”
“I don’t want you to leave like this. I want…”
She turned to face him, dislodging his arm and leaning against her car. “I know what you want and it’s not going to happen. I’m going home.” She held out her hand for her keys.
“I’m moving way too fast, I know that, but there has always been something between us. I know you feel it too.”
“It’s called lust, Trevor, plain and simple. You like what you see and so do I.”
“Bullshit,” he muttered. He stepped closer. His long legs brushed her flowing skirt, his breath warmed her skin. “What we’re feeling has nothing to do with how we look.”
It would be so easy to throw caution to the wind and just let it happen. Her whole body tingled just thinking about touching him and feeling his hands gliding over her body. How could it be anything but wonderful? It would be wonderful ‑‑ and meaningless and sh
allow. Physical gratification was so fleeting. Velvet needed more. “What do you want from me? I haven’t seen you in a decade. I’m not going to fall into bed with a man I hardly know.”
“No matter how much you want to?” he challenged.
“Is that what this is about? Does your ego need to hear it? Yes, I’m attracted to you. I find you both physically attractive and fascinating. Yes, I would like to see if you can unleash all the passion Elliot ignored. Yes, I’m tempted to spend the night in your bed. Yes, if you keep pushing you can likely overwhelm my inhibitions, but that’s not what I need right now.”
The fierce desire eased from his expression and he actually smiled. “You’re right. I’m being unreasonable.”
“Good. Now give me my keys.” Hoping he didn’t notice how her hand shook, she reached out expectantly.
He ignored her request and tucked her hair behind her ear with the gentle brush of his fingertips, then his thumb tilted her chin up just a bit. “You reneged on the bet; the keys will cost you.”
Velvet realized what he intended the second before his mouth settled over hers. She didn’t try to stop him. He was strong and warm and exciting. She wasn’t willing to indulge him completely; still, this was just a kiss.
His lips molded hers, pressing, sliding, and urging her lips to part. His tongue traced her bottom lip, touched her teeth, and delved into her mouth. A strangled groan escaped Velvet and she arched against him. His arm curved around her, cradling her head in the bend of his elbow. It was a possessive pose, restricting her movement, holding her still for the steady penetration of his tongue.
She could only breathe when he gave her breath. Her senses focused on the intimate contact of his mouth against hers, the texture of his lips, the taste of his tongue, his masculine scent. She clutched his shoulders and surrendered to passion’s onslaught.
He wanted more; she could feel the hardened ridge of his cock as he forced her back against the car. His hand tangled in her hair and his mouth moved aggressively. Fear struggled to life within her. He was so strong. If he chose to take her right now in the corner of a public parking lot she wouldn’t be able to stop him. Did she want to stop him?
He could reach beneath her skirt and tear off her panties. He could unfasten his jeans and lift her leg to his waist. He could…
More afraid of her own imagination than of the man who held her, she tore her mouth away with a strangled cry. “This has to stop.” Her hands still clutched his shoulders and she panted softly.
“Why?” He held out his hand, her keys dangling from his index finger. “Let me come home with you.”
She shook her head and snatched the keys from him. “It’s better this way.”
Trevor stood back silently as she unlocked her car and slipped in behind the wheel. She raked her tousled hair with one agitated hand while she turned the key in the ignition with the other. She didn’t so much as glance his way. Flipping on the headlights, she drove from the parking lot.
What the hell had he been thinking?
He hadn’t been thinking, that was the problem. He’d wanted her to explore her sexual curiosity, but the conversation had slipped way beyond his control.
Then he’d pictured vibrant, sensuous Velvet lying passively while Elliot pounded away between her thighs. The image made Trevor furious. It made him determined to show Velvet what it should have been like. What it would have been like eleven years ago if she hadn’t been a virgin and Elliot hadn’t been his friend.
He’d said he wouldn’t fuck her and he’d meant it. All he intended to do was touch her, tease her, taste her, and bring her to one shattering orgasm after another. But that too had slipped beyond his control. She’d sensed how desperately he wanted her, and it had frightened her away.
Ignoring his rock-hard cock, Trevor awkwardly walked to his rental car. He never should have let his lust dictate to his mind. There was too much at stake. Velvet was his best chance, perhaps his only chance. He couldn’t let himself forget why he was here, regardless of how much he wanted to overwhelm her inhibitions.
Chapter Four
Three days after her disconcerting encounter with Trevor Sutton, Velvet finished her photo session early and had dinner with her son. They ate mammoth hamburgers and drank milkshakes while Dillon filled her in on the week’s events. He’d been invited to spend the weekend with his best friend and Elliot had given him permission to go.
When they returned to Bel Air Elliot had already arrived. Velvet dreaded the long drive out to the beach house, but she had no reason to linger. The radio provided a soothing companion for the first few minutes, then her mind filled with thoughts and speculation.
Anthony Depalma’s dark gaze flashed through her mind. She’d heard he systematically seduced every woman he came in contact with, and she was his current obsession. For the past three days he’d been continually underfoot, using his practiced charm and the power of his physical presence to erode her defenses.
Velvet had no problem resisting Depalma’s overt seduction. Trevor Sutton, on the other hand, was driving her insane. The silky timbre of his deep voice wouldn’t leave her mind. The smell of his cologne, the strong, sure stroke of his fingers…
Her cell phone rang, shattering the erotic memory. Fumbling for her mobile, she activated the speaker. “Hello.”
“Ms. Arceneaux?”
“It’s Chester. I had that couple asking about apartment 220 again. Are we still holding it or would you like me to --”
“No one is moving into that apartment. For God’s sake, Chester. Jamie has only been gone a week. Her rent isn’t even overdue!”
A silent pause told Velvet he wasn’t pleased by her decision. Chester Jordan had managed the Oakwood Apartment complex since shortly after the renovation. She depended on his efficiency, but he could work on his compassion.
“I’ll let them know.” Another strained silence followed. “What should I do with her mail?”
Velvet wanted to reach through the phone and smack him. “Just hold on to it. I’ll swing by and pick it up.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He clicked off.
“Swinging by” to pick up Jamie’s mail would take her an hour out of her way. “It’s not like you’ve got something better to do,” she muttered.
The neighborhood never failed to shock Velvet. The once glamorous Mecca of movie stars and celebrities had been overrun by prostitutes and drug dealers. Daylight allowed tourists to wander along the world-renowned Walk of Fame. It was only after the sun went down that the local population revealed Hollywood’s seedy underbelly.
I’m a slum-lord. She shuddered, and then smiled. The setting might be shabby, but her building was nice. The very reason for Chester’s impatience to have the apartment vacated, demand for the units was high.
Loathe to leave her car at all, Velvet hurried across the asphalt, a warm night breeze tugging at her skirt. She knocked on Chester’s door, fidgeting as she waited. She knocked louder, then glanced at her watch. It was barely nine o’clock. Was the cantankerous jerk ignoring her?
If she’d come all this way for nothing, there would be hell to pay!
After one last insistent knock, she turned from the manager’s door.
Maybe he hadn’t realized she meant tonight. Could he have put the mail in Jamie’s apartment? If he had, she should just leave it there. But what if there was some clue to Jamie’s whereabouts in her mail?
What do you have to lose?
She climbed the wooden staircase and walked briskly down the hall, letting herself in with her master key. A cheap neon sign outside the window cast a reddish glow across the small living room. Velvet stepped inside and closed the door. She turned the deadbolt and a large hand clamped over her mouth. A muscular arm snaked around her waist, pinning her arms to her sides. She was jerked back against a wide male chest, her scream muffled and useless behind his large palm.
For an endless moment she was stunned, paralyzed with fear. Her mouth drie
d up. She could barely breathe. Stars spun crazily before her eyes.
What should she do? What could she do?
Stand here meekly and let him kill you?
Her assailant pulled her away from the door. Arching violently against him, she smashed her heel into his shin, then stomped on his instep. He muttered a curse and his arm tightened painfully.
Velvet panicked, went completely wild. She kicked and twisted, arched and thrashed. Fear tasted bitter in her mouth. Her efforts only exhausted her.
She freed one hand and raked her nails down the man’s forearm. He cursed, but didn’t let go. Her frantic elbow jab collided with the solid muscle of his upper arm. His hand remained clamped over her mouth, defusing her screams and pleas to an unintelligible mumble. She continued to struggle, tears escaped her eyes. She didn’t want to die!
Suddenly the man hauled her up against his chest, her feet dangled uselessly in midair. She couldn’t breathe. He lumbered toward the sofa across the room.
“Calm down,” the man whispered into her ear. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
Velvet didn’t believe him. Maybe if she cooperated, he wouldn’t kill her. Self-preservation surged through her and a new flood of tears coursed down her cheeks. She stopped fighting, going limp against his chest.
“That’s it, calm down.”
Gradually, he lowered her until her toes touched the floor. His hold was gentler now. He was afraid she’d scream. Each movement he made seemed focused on keeping her quiet! Fine. She wouldn’t scream, but she’d get the hell away!
Putting all of her strength into one violent motion, Velvet threw herself forward. Caught unaware by her sudden lunge, the man lost his hold.
She was free!
Her knees hit the sofa’s cushions and she bounced. Like a cat, she scrambled up onto the rounded back. One hurtful hand grasped her shoulder, the other high on her thigh. He whipped her around and flung her onto her back. A terrified scream escaped her lungs in a useless whoosh as the man came down on top of her. His weight alone impeded any further struggle. Her arms were pinned between them, her legs trapped by his. All she could see was his thick shoulder.